Monday, July 6, 2009

Bla Bla Blahhhhhhh...

This is all we hear when the conversation doesn't fit us...or go in away we want want it to...But ahhha!! Listen and hear it all...I am so guilty of just hearing my point (because it's what I want to hear) but that's not the right way. A clear mind is better than a cluttered wait until you are ready, then speak on it. What you say may change a lot of things. I spent some much needed time with my girls..I think I've been so rapped up in my own little world that I have been neglecting the vary ones who look at me as strength...But its hard to be strong when suddenly, your amour has chinks in it (sorry not meant in a racist way) I can't even think of when I had so much going on....I wish sometimes for the years of old...not the years getting old! Be at peace with the cards you are dealt...know that somethings aren't meant to be...but the things you have are meant to be...Is giving ones dreams up hard? Or the dreams that we had manifest into diffrent realities...Funny but you can run from a lot of thigs...But time waits for nobody....Hands bound by failure, are only tied by you....I wish I could just snap my fingers, and have a fix for everything...But what good would that do? We would just take for granted the things that are in front of us! I move with the whistling of the wind...a mountain to me, is but a small object..the sea is where my thoughts dive to the bottom...but only to surface again, into real life..the trees hold up my spirt, as birds swoop down to tell me there stories....Why the Sun cries out, That it only wishes to meet the rain....I listen as the weeping willow, weeps...and wonders..Why is the world bearing down on me? No answer comes...and it weeps more, and more....eeys to see, but blind is the man who has everything..but does nothing!

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